Friday, 28 November 2008


The Times newspaper will as from today be officially calling Bombay, Mumbai from now on. Not being a Times reader, I had not noticed this anomaly.

What has happened in Mumbai is absolutely abhorrent to me and not something I really understand.In addition the acts may have been perpetrated by University students ,something I find alarming. 

On the BBC news site, Pappu Mishra, an eye witness said,
"Their audaciousness was breath-taking." 

I have stayed at the Taj in a room overlooking the Gates, eaten several times at the Cafe Leopold,been to the railway station and even though,it was quite a while ago the memory of those places and India still linger.

To take a qoute from The Times Newspaper today 28.11.08, an understatement,

"By 5am, Peter Keep, a British entrepeneur, had counted at least 40 dead bodies at the St George Hospital. "It's not an experience that will leave me soon," he said."

Spare a few minutes thought for all victims of needless barborous crimes and ask, did it need to be this way.

1 comment:

Susanne Isa said...

from the Guardian